May 24, 2014

Lifeline the journey begins by Michael Gatewood

Lifeline the Story…..

“If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again”
- Groucho Marx

Meet the Lifeline Team
Gloria,Zephan, Mike Gatewood, Mikeshia, Dr.Moses Brown, & Earl Davis,Jr.
I truly believe that there is a story behind every person who listens on the Lifeline Call. Growing up as a young ward with the Department of Children and Families taught me  “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.  Jesus told many parables and through those parables we discovered who He was.  I want to share a piece of my heart, tell you my story and the reason I'm here.

When I was born both of my parents were drug addicts; I was considered a crack baby. I was born with (EB) epidermolysis bullosa  and fibromyalgia because of the blisters and abrasions on my body I was called all kinds of names. I was abused four fourteen years of my life molested by men and women. Beaten until my skin would break, then I was forced to take a bath in bleach water because they were trying to sanitize my skin. I was confused and angry to the point I was labeled Emotionally Handicapped until the age of 16. Most people call me a problem child, but one lady I met  didn’t act like the others, she simply ask,  “what’s your problem child”? Finally,  I told someone and I was punished for almost six months up until the day I left. It was a hard adjustment learning how to be loved and give love. My foster mother,  Rachelle Grant, no matter what I did wrong or right she made me precious in her sight. The late Pastor Abe Brown  Sr. pastor of First Baptist Church of College Hill  and  Pastor of the Prison Crusade began to mentor me. He became my lifeline. His resounding message to me was “be a motivator for Christ and not a manipulator in life”. I accepted his challenge. There are and have been many mentors in my life, but it was him who made me change direction.

In 2009, at Walmart,a pallet-jack fell off a truck onto my head. The assistant manager called 911 but the phone rung busy. I pulled out my cell phone and used the  voice activation to say “call my mom”. It was 1am! Mother  is never up, but this time she was I was trying to tell her what was going on, blood gushing everywhere. She told me what to do, but I didn't hear a word she said. They said  “I was praying and preaching and telling folk what to do”. I  only remember  saying “if You let me live Lord, I’ll serve You”. All of sudden, I felt the need to sit up the doctor said “that was one of the things that s

aved my life”.Funny because the previous  morning, say 2am, I  couldn't think of reason why I wanted to live, too  much hardship. The  near death experience will reminded  me quickly.

Also In 2009, late August after the incident I was called to serve as an Elder and Bible Worker at Charity SDA. MIssion. in Fort lauderdale Florida,  for a month by  Dr.Moses Brown of Feed Our Children Ministries . I began meeting with people who were going through some of the issues I went through. I began counseling and coaching people based on my life experience and God’s  Word. I  founded  Faith Outreach Community Mission with no money basically  I traded my experience to experience a trade)The owner used my skill-set   in exchange  for  free  use of the building .During this time  I also wrote a devotional and experienced the    lifeline:  Gods Principles Made Practical for You to Enjoy Life. from that day forward the lifeline Journey began from a devotional ,to blogging , to a weekly coaching call .

THE LIFELINE CALL, is a way  for me to share the word of God and inspire people to walk with the word throughout their lives.  What is a Life line? A means  for saving or preserving life. It is something regarded as indispensable for maintaining protection in life. Entrepreneurs  going into business, Lifeline will be a  resource that helps you get started. for ministry leaders   who desire to expand,  lifeline will help you grow. Life line is a source that keeps you connected with the resources available to you every Tuesday at 7 pm dial in on purpose 6417153625 access code 553832 # "Tune in to life line and turn-up the purpose in your life"-MIchael Gatewood

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